Absolute Moral Authority

Because plain old moral authority just wasn’t good enough — a mesablue production

Absolute scumbag (Updated w/ court coverage)

Posted by mesablue on December 31, 2007

Another liberal nutjob becomes unhinged.

Anti-Military Lawyer Damages Marine’s Car on Eve of Deployment

Marine Sgt Mike McNulty is on activation orders to Iraq (second tour). On December 1st, 2007, Mike went to visit a friend in Chicago before deploying to say goodbye.

While saying goodbye, at about 11am, he noticed a man leaning up against his car. Mike left his friend’s apartment and caught the man keying his car on multiple sides.

After caught in the process, the man told Mike, “you think you can do whatever you want with Department of Defense license plates and tags”. (In Illinois you can purchase veteran, Marine, or medal plates. Mike has Illinois Marine Corps license plates.) During the exchange, he made additional anti-military comments.

The guy who did this — a local lawyer.

As it turns out, the man is Chicago lawyer Jay R. Grodner, who owns a law firm in the city and has offices in the suburbs.

The State’s Attorney is reluctant to prosecute this asshat because he is a lawyer. Grodner is refusing to pay the $2400.00 in damage that he did to Sgt McNulty’s car.

Grodner takes things a step further into scumbag land:

the State asked Mike if he would accept probation for Grodner. Mike accepted, probation was offered to Grodner, and Grodner declined the offer, saying within ear shot of Mike, “I’m not going to make it easy on this kid”. Mike’s next court date is tomorrow, Monday, December 31st, to pursue misdemeanor charges against Grodner.

However, Sgt McNulty has to leave January 2nd to return to Iraq. So, if this isn’t resolved on Monday — Grodner probably gets off scot-free.

Please go read the entire story at Blackfive.

Word of this moron’s actions needs to be spread. If he won’t be prosecuted, at least knowledge of his behavior can get out there. If you have a blog — please post this story.

h/t Ace of Spades HQ

: Turns out that Grodner is no stranger to deviant behavior.

In addition to being disciplined for being involved in a scheme to forging documents, it has been reported to CLR that attorney Jay Grodner has engaged in a conflict of interest with his clients, has abandoned his clients, has engaged in false billing, has engaged in a fraud upon his clients, provided ineffective assistance of counsel, and has engaged in a “fraud upon the court”.

Why is this guy still allowed to practice law?

Karma. Even more karma. Heh, a VERY creepy picture of the guy.

***A live report from the court house***

From Free Republic:

The hearing was scheduled for 12/31/07 @ 13:30. It was held at Circuit Court of Cook County – outlying court branch 29 -Belmont & Western, Chicago IL. This is 6 miles NW of downtown Chicago and approx 65 miles round trip from where I live.

Sgt. McNulty was in civvies. He was there with family & friends and his attorney.

There also appeared to be a couple of supporters sitting in the gallery.

I sat in the last row. With my eyesight & hearing shot, the following is the best I can make out.

The court is secured by the Cook County Sheriff’s office The judge ( I didn’t hear his name or see his nameplate) convened the court early – at 13:24. (Courtroom 29 – I believe it was Felony court)

Sgt. McNulty was called at 13:33. Jay R. Grodner was a no show. The judge issued a bench warrant for Mr. Grodner @ 13:36.

Sgt. McNulty filed the complaint and raised his hand and swore that it was true.

I thought that was the end of it, so I got up to leave and waited in the waiting area for the Sgt. to come out.

A Marine PFC, in dress blues, cut & razor sharp, walked in to lend his support.

Sgt. McNulty and his entourage came out, then was called back into the courtroom for about 10 minutes.

He came back out to leave. I met them outside. I gave Sgt. McNulty FRegards and a Semper Fi and told him we have his back and that thousands have his back.

He thanked us for the support.

Jay Grodner (or a representative) must have showed up, as, when I talked with the Sgt.’s attorney, he said Grodner wanted a continuance to get an attorney.

The case was continued and will go to fruition and Sgt. McNulty wont have to re-appear.

WordPress.com Political Blogger Alliance

Last Update: As Sgt McNulty heads back to Iraq tomorrow, I want to wish him God speed and best of luck. Keep your head down Marine. You now have thousands of former/current Marines and other service members that want to see you come back safely — because we support you, but also because of how you handled yourself in this situation. Jay Grodner can only hope to be half the man that you have already proven yourself to be.

Over two thousand people hit this page in less than two days — and I am just one small blog among very many. I hope that you’ve been able to feel some of that support.

At the same time, I hope the Jay Grodners of the world know that there is no longer a place for scumbag sheisters like them to hide. As an officer of the court, you are held to a higher standard. It is not a license for bad behavior.

“So be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy, but peace!”

12 Responses to “Absolute scumbag (Updated w/ court coverage)”

  1. […] of Spades HQ Absolute Moral Authority […]

  2. ChenZhen said

    I saw this over at Blackfive last night. Yea, I’d call that unhinged.

  3. in2thefray said

    Can’t / won’t JAG help in pursuing this on the Marines behalf ??

  4. Red Alerts said

    That’s Not Childish At All II: Jay R Grodner, Esquire

    Scumbag Windy City Lawyer Jay R. Grodner was caught red handed vandalizing the parked car of a Marine about to be deployed to Iraq. Blackfive has a transcript of the police report:
    Victim related to P/O that as he walked back to his vehicle, he observe…

  5. Rosetta said

    Happy New Year mesa. I hope 2008 brings you a new kick ass job and an endless parade of hot mute chicks.

  6. […] 31, 2007 by cranky UPDATE: mesablue reports at Absolute Moral Authority (see comments also) that the asshat lawyer who is accused of keying the […]

  7. pajama momma said

    Happy New Year Mesa!

  8. skh.pcola said

    Happy New Year’s, everybody. I would hope that Sgt. McNulty could get some legal assistance from somebody in the Corps. Make that Esprit thing for real.

  9. in2thefray said

    nice updating thanks for the extra effort.

  10. […] Posts Absolute scumbag (Updated w/ court coverage)Thousands of naked women The first time in history that…Scumbag of the Year makes the Chicago […]

  11. Stephen Rusnock (CPT ret) said

    SGT McNuilty, I am suprised that you didn’t tear off his head and sh– down his neck, but I am glad that you did not stoup to his level. May God protect you and yours during your deployment! God’s Speed.

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